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Re: Scirocco T-shirts. WAS [time for a real car]

On Thu, 22 Apr 1999 16:56:34 -0600 (MDT) Night Shadow
<soltwede@ucsub.colorado.edu> writes:
>Down Shawn!
>Whew...if he knew you were that touchy on the subject, he probably
>wouldn't have said anything....

Couldnt help it. I took a hefty flamming a short time ago on this subject
and left it alone. Look at what kind of shitty comment it got me? I know
it was meant as a joke but some things are simply not funny.

>Hey...what are the specifics of your cruze up to ND? Nate and I will be
>leaving from his house on Saturday (he lives in Davis, 20 min west of
>Sac)...maybe we can plan it so we can meet?

Um, I dunno. We havent exactly set anything in stone other than the hotel
were gonna stay at.
I kinda wanted to repeat last years festivities at Chevy's Restraunt. We
could do it somewhere else, as long as they have mixed drinks, I dont
really care! :)
Doug and I talked about it a little but we need to kick around some
ideas. The table is open, anyone have an idea as to what we should do (as
a fairly large group to remember.) on the evening of may 1st. 

1) Dinner/drinks ar Chevy's
2) ?????????
3) ?????????

              Shawn Meze
86' Jetta GLi           82' Scirocco GTi
The Fastest, Quickest, Cleanest and
best looking Scirocco in all of San Diego!

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