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Re: canada's master plan
to be up to his eyes in crazy canucks...
Is there any other kind? :-)
crazy American
> From: the-mad-bastard@home.com
> To: Night Shadow <soltwede@ucsub.colorado.edu>; roc list
> Subject: canada's master plan
> Date: Monday, February 22, 1999 10:26 PM
> Night Shadow wrote:
> >
> > HAHAHAHA...you are Crazy if you think that Canada would ever have
> > power to invade the good ole US of A.....
> >
> > Now, put the crack pipe down, and slowly back away
> ya see, there it is right there...the crack pipe, the plague of
> america. we have a whole lot of crack pipes up here...we got
> _factories_ full of em, and they're all destined for the "good ole U S
> of A". yup. the invasion began quite a few years ago, and continues to
> this day. it's slow, but just you wait..one of these days when a big
> chunk of your forces are out somewhere kicking the snot out of some
> foreign country, we're going to sneak in the front door and take the
> boots to the lot of you smack heads...then that porn star president of
> yours is going
> who knows, it might happen tomorrow...and if it does, i've got my boots
> right here with "soltwede" written all over it...
> jason
> the mad bastard
> --
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