Ah, the heat shield. Apparently my mechanic was just as annoyed with the rattling as I was. After the third bead cracked loose, he took it off completely. If you do this, make sure you're not parking over long, dried grass or something equally flammable.
"Bonnie E. Muscavitz" wrote:
Hi all! I have an 88 16v rocco that is in good mechanical, and great cosmetic shape. It's basically stock, and i was wondering how i could kinda beef it up a little without spending too much cash. I was mostly wondering about engine performance upgrades that i could do myself. Also, does anybody have a short shift kit? If you do, i was wondering if it is really worth the $85 or so, and also are they easy to install? Does anyone have/had any problems witht the sheild on the catalytic coverter vibrating and making a really annoying rattling noise at about 1100 rpm? If so, any remedies??thanx all,corey m.