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Re: Cheap upgrades...
After wading through ~20 'separation-anxiety' messages, a real message! :)
---"Bonnie E. Muscavitz" <funcar@lr.net> wrote:
> Hi all! I have an 88 16v rocco that is in good mechanical, and great
> cosmetic shape. It's basically stock, and i was wondering how i could kinda
> beef it up a little without spending too much cash.
Um, no. Well, maybe just a little. :) Cheap speed and 16v don't really
go together too well. 16v bolt-ons are limited to K&N air filter, some
decent exhaust (Techtonics 2.25 is probably the most popular, maybe a header),
and some fuel enrichment module/device. Digging a little deeper gets you a
cam (the $200 Euro intake cam is as cheap as it gets). As far as suspension
goes, you can spend anywhere from $500 to $4k. Too many variables to list,
what do you want to do?
One thing that is sometimes overlooked it looking at some of more mundane
items before adding performance parts....like tune-ups and suspension
bushings. Start with the boring stuff first. :)
> I was mostly wondering about engine performance upgrades that i could do
> myself. Also, does anybody have a short shift kit? If you do, i was
> wondering if it is really worth the $85 or so, and also are they easy to
> install?
I like mine a lot, and yes, it was worth the $100+ I paid for it years ago. :)
I just added an ABD weighted rod, I'll let you know what I think when the
car leaves the garage in May. Oh, and it's easy to install, especially if
you like getting really really dirty and having toxic molybendum grease on
your fingers or face. Tasty. Buy a Bentley manual if you're going to be
doing any work yourself.
> Does anyone have/had any problems witht the sheild on the catalytic
> coverter vibrating and making a really annoying rattling noise at about 1100
> rpm? If so, any remedies??
Um, nope. Get your neighbor or friend with a welder to lay a few spots down
for you? Check your exhaust hangers too (just another boring wear item that
adds little performance or appeal...)
> thanx all,
> corey m.
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