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Re: Cabriolet questions..
>Here are my q's
>I'm looking at an 88 cabby to rebuild over this
>weekend. Front end damage - hit a deer, and says he
>has all the parts to fix it.
>anyways, what engine did the 88's use?
1.8L 8v, hydraulic lifter big valve head.
>were they
>still 1.8 or had they started using 2.0L by then?
>How comparable are the cabbies to regular golfs as far
>as parts cost & integration, etc. (other than the top)
>Are the A2's a lot more expensive to keep up than A1?
They make look a bit A2ish, but they are A1 through-n-through.
There was no A2 cabrio, from the factory at least.
>What are the worst parts to repair on front end
>damage? Let;s say it still runs & the radiator
>doesn't leak... if the cross-brace is bent how hard is
>it to fix? If the bumpers are pushed back in the
>mounts how much to re-align?
>Any good advice?
If it were me, it'd be frame shop/body shop time...
>Oh - and by the way - it's not for me, it's for my g/f
Oh sure, that's what _all_ the cabby drivers say... (just
trying to rile J.J. here) :)
"Like uh, I have this friend, yah, that's it. A friend of
mine that, uh, in fact it's my _girl_ friend, even better!
Well there's this problem with _her_ cabriolet..."
(not at _all_ fair to Jim I might add...either one actually...)
\/ '84 Scirocco (ITB racer 2B) | "Hot VW's, take two home. They're small"
\/\/ '88 Scirocco 16v (Show), '85 Scirocco (Winter) | - brett@netacc.net
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