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Re: Cabriolet questions..
you probably will have to straighten the fram ealittle that is wghat i
ddi to my cabbie about 2 years ago ........what color id it ...check
the frame rails where the bumpers go into then you need to check both
fenders you might have to repalce them no biggie the core support is
welded in the project is not difficult to do good luck
ohhh i hit a deer in my 1982 cabbie at 85 mph she stills runs qwith
all the damgage and no i did not bend the radiator but i didcrack th e
Mark Mages wrote:
> OK - so it aint about a rocco...
> You guys are the ones who seem to know the shit, and I
> don't know of a cabby list (cough-thank god)
> Here are my q's
> I'm looking at an 88 cabby to rebuild over this
> weekend. Front end damage - hit a deer, and says he
> has all the parts to fix it.
> anyways, what engine did the 88's use? were they
> still 1.8 or had they started using 2.0L by then?
> How comparable are the cabbies to regular golfs as far
> as parts cost & integration, etc. (other than the top)
> Are the A2's a lot more expensive to keep up than A1?
> What are the worst parts to repair on front end
> damage? Let;s say it still runs & the radiator
> doesn't leak... if the cross-brace is bent how hard is
> it to fix? If the bumpers are pushed back in the
> mounts how much to re-align?
> Any good advice?
> Thanks
> Oh - and by the way - it's not for me, it's for my g/f
> - I gotta get her out of that nissan (even if it is a
> 16v 2.0 :) and out from under the payments...
> ===
> Mark
> 87 Westfalia Gl
> 84 Scirocco 8v
> http://members.tripod.com/~jehanno
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