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RE: Flashing Lights
Say, do the other two bulbs flash in unison, i.e. are they both on and
both off at the same time? Or are there times when only one is on?
If they are in unison, then you know the problem is upstream. Probably at
one of the splice locations. Vibrations shaking things around.
If they are not in unison, then there are more possibilities. Probably
either defective bulbs, or the wires that connect them.
85 Scirocco
Paul Maione wrote:
>Hey all!
>Recently the lights on my 3 gauge cluster
>have started going haywire! My voltmeter light
>is always on when I turn my parking lights on,
>and so the other ones are fine, but when I start
>the car, the two other ones start flash on and
>off. I split all the lights to the voltmeter
>light wires, the only thing that confuses is why
>the voltmeter stays on and the other flashes!
>Anyone have any ideas on this?
>Paul Maione (Rump Rocker)
>Scirocco 86' 8v (Ready to Roll :)
>E-Mail - mmaion@po-pox.mcgill.ca
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