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RE: Clutch Troubles....
You will be happy to know that most reputable mechanics back up their
work. Usually in the form of a 3, 6, or 12 month warranty. Definitely
bring it back, and they will most likely fix it up for free. If She kept
the receipt, bring that too.
btw, if I remember correctly, (from intensly studying the procedure in
Bently) part of the procedure in removing the tranny is to disconnect
the clutch cable, and to do so generally involves adjusting it to all
the way loose. It is therefore unlikely that it was left at the old
position. They might have just not tightened it though, but that is
still their fault.
HTH and GL
85 Scirocco
Dan wrote:
>But not on my car.
>A certain female aquaintance has an '86 Jetta. She just had the
>changed last month. Today, I get a frantic call that she can't
>get the car
>in gear. Go down to her house, and discover that the clutch pedal
>is about
>halfway depressed, and goes the rest of the way down without any
>resistance. I pop the hood, and am greeted by the appetizing
>aroma of
>toasted clutch. The lever that the cable attaches to moves with
>any resistance (ie, less than there is supposed to be b/c of the
>spring and whatnot.)
>I immediately ask if she'd noticed it slipping. She said no, but
>she isn't
>too tech-oriented, so who knows if it was or not. My guess is
>that the
>mechanic forgot to adjust the clutch cable, causing it to slip
>and cook
>itself to death. I've been picked to go to the mech tomorrow with
>her and
>explain the situation to the shop and make sure she doesnt get
>ripped off
>or anything. My question: could not adjusting the cable from the
>position cause the clutch to slip and fail the way it did? Any
>I really wish she'd have let me known the needed a clutch done
>last month.
>I'd have done it for parts cost, I like learning how to fix
>things on
>OTHER peoples cars before I have to work on my own.
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