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Re: Fw: April 30 - Don't buy GAS
BTW, that was for REGULAR unleaded gas!!!
Jon Cope wrote:
> My parents live in Northern CA (3 miles from Oregon border), and gas there
> is $2.28/gallon!
> Jon
> T Berk wrote:
> > This whole thing is based on a guy here in the SF Bay Area. We just
> > went from about $1.35-$1.50 for Super Unleaded to $1.99 in about 2
> > days. You know they'd just love to break the US$2.00 barrier but each
> > of the players are afraid to be the 1st one to do so.
> >
> > Sticker shock has people b*tchen about how it's just speculators and the
> > Oil Companies who are artificially raising the price in order to gouge
> > the public. The blame has been explained away as two recent refinery
> > accidents that have cut production, OPEC at play again, and the
> > alignment of the planets. Phooey.
> >
> > In a way we are a captive audience, we are going to buy it anyway, maybe
> > less at 1st, but people around here are too attached to cars and have
> > few viable alternatives.
> >
> > To our local credit Mass Transit is recently reasserting itself with
> > extensions to a Light Rail system in Silicon Valley, the Caltrain
> > commuter system that serves SF to SJ and is haggling over converting
> > from Diesel to Electric, and car pool lanes (despite people seeing them
> > as not as useful as they might have wanted- you've got to leave your own
> > car at home, at least sometimes, for it to work.)
> >
> > For my part I'll be back on the Train & Bike now that the weather has
> > Sprung again. I don't really like wearing out my Scirocco stuck in rush
> > hour traffic anyway.
> >
> > A price increase of 33% in 48 hours was what prompted this guy to send
> > out the email, yes we will just get a fillup on Thursday before, but we
> > know that. The point I think is to cause a blip on the screen, maybe
> > this could be leveraged when the rubber meets the road, who knows.
> >
> > All it might serve to do is vent some frustration. Might be a good
> > thing.
> >
> > TBerk
> > I was going to mention this thing earlier but I've been busy pulling
> > shark teeth out of my butt. :P
> >
> > --
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