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Re: Fw: April 30 - Don't buy GAS - the Local Angle
This whole thing is based on a guy here in the SF Bay Area. We just
went from about $1.35-$1.50 for Super Unleaded to $1.99 in about 2
days. You know they'd just love to break the US$2.00 barrier but each
of the players are afraid to be the 1st one to do so.
Sticker shock has people b*tchen about how it's just speculators and the
Oil Companies who are artificially raising the price in order to gouge
the public. The blame has been explained away as two recent refinery
accidents that have cut production, OPEC at play again, and the
alignment of the planets. Phooey.
In a way we are a captive audience, we are going to buy it anyway, maybe
less at 1st, but people around here are too attached to cars and have
few viable alternatives.
To our local credit Mass Transit is recently reasserting itself with
extensions to a Light Rail system in Silicon Valley, the Caltrain
commuter system that serves SF to SJ and is haggling over converting
from Diesel to Electric, and car pool lanes (despite people seeing them
as not as useful as they might have wanted- you've got to leave your own
car at home, at least sometimes, for it to work.)
For my part I'll be back on the Train & Bike now that the weather has
Sprung again. I don't really like wearing out my Scirocco stuck in rush
hour traffic anyway.
A price increase of 33% in 48 hours was what prompted this guy to send
out the email, yes we will just get a fillup on Thursday before, but we
know that. The point I think is to cause a blip on the screen, maybe
this could be leveraged when the rubber meets the road, who knows.
All it might serve to do is vent some frustration. Might be a good
I was going to mention this thing earlier but I've been busy pulling
shark teeth out of my butt. :P
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