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Re: stalling problem continues; help?
>THis sounds suspiciously like my own '81 Scirocco. It turned out to
be a
>crappy Hall Sensor in the Distributor. Wires were brittle and toasted
>from age and heat.
>Got a used Dist w/ Hall (cause it was convenient) and was up and
>in minutes. After banging my head for days.
Silly question... What's a Hall sensor? The little magnetic doohickey
in the distro?
Once I get a second in some daylight, I'm gonna go digging around in
the fuse box to make sure #15 is getting power.
Now, the power that the coil gets is constant, or is it pulsed? I was
under the impression that it is pulsed. And if so, what pulses it?
And if my car doesn't have a computer, what exactly is that happy
little unit next to the wiper motor?
'88 OldsmoBuick Delta 88 (really wishing I was driving my rocco!)
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