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Re: Don't buy GAS {not even partially rocco related anymore}

Yeah - and let's start dumping toxic waste in the
water just to piss them off!

You know that's why they put flouride in the water
supply don't you?  It decreases personal willpower.

Seriously tho, you don't think that a 70 year old
technology could stand some revamping?  How many steam
locomotives do you still see running around?  I mean,
for the last 15 years we have known that our pollution
was REALLY screwing up the planet yet what have we
done to try and cut that down?  We have started the
SUV craze.

You don't think urban growth has been adversely
affected?  I have to spend 30 minutes driving 5 miles
in to work in the morning.  The inner-cities have
become unsafe places to live because as soon as people
could afford cars they moved into the suburbs, leaving
the cities to rot from the inside out.

You don't think air-quality has been affected?  The
last time I saw a sun-set that wasn;t brown I had to
drive over 1000 miles to get there.  Oh, but let's all
blame the smokers for the massive increase in lung
cancer rates... it couldn't be our cars causing that! 
It must be the person that was smoking 10ft away from
me in the bar...

God forbid people start riding bicycles to work - what
are they thinking using the most cost & energy
efficient form of transportation available today? 
I'll just run them down & then say that they jumped in
front of my car.. .and I'll win.

And those damn recycled products... Hey - we should
just start dumping all our trash in the national
parks.. I mean, what a waste of land - just set aside
for people to enjoy when they want to escape the
hell-holes that we have created to live in.  Christ,
that's prime dumping ground if you ask me!  We shoud
strip mine it all before we start duming though, so we
have enough raw materials to last us another 10 years.

I mean, I know this is a car-oriented group (90% of
the time) but you, I must say, at the risk of being
thoroughly flamed, are totally nuts.

87 Westy
84 8v Rocco
98 Rockhopper 

Damn liberal bastards... I'm gonna go fry me up a
spotted owl for dinner... extra crispy

--- McReynolds <sigmac@portland.quik.com> wrote:
> Colleagues of your "anti-car bastards" are doing
> their best here, too. 
> They cry about how the automobile has ruined
> landscapes and cityscapes, how
> the evil auto has adversely affected urban growth in
> America and lessened
> air quality.  They seem to forget how much the
> automobile has increased our
> productivity in the last 70 years, opened so many
> doors of opportunity for
> us, as well as contributed to our sense of
> independence, which we have
> treasured so much in the US.  But here lies the very
> root of the issue: 
> socialistic, environmentalist policy-makers do not
> wish to see our
> independence continue to flourish.  They'd rather
> see us huddled together
> in our quaint, well-planned cities, accepting what
> is handed us, getting
> about on our bicycles, and using more costly
> "recycled" products.  In
> short, a society of people much easier to contain,
> in the end.  
> So, I cringe when I hear folks making statements
> about how petroleum
> product prices should be raised to lessen their use.
>  My face turns red
> with anger when I hear liberal statements about
> marketing electric cars,
> mandating even stricter emissions' controls or
> improving suburban transit
> (i.e., making it the only practical mode of
> transportation).  There are
> some who would make us feel bad for using any
> resources whatsoever. 
> Resources were put here for us to use, albeit
> wisely.  We should not be
> made to feel guilty about it, nor should their use
> be restricted to the
> point where none of us benefits from them.  So what
> is next?  If we are not
> considering only what is good for the environment,
> will we be the black
> sheep?  And later, will we be made to feel bad about
> our very independence?
> Well, I won't.  This whole discussion makes me want
> to get into my car, and
> go for a drive.  I want to feel the wind in my hair,
> the pulsing of pistons
> at my breast, and watch the scenery wash by me as if
> time has stood still
> and I'm the only thing going forward.  
> That is a freedom only a driver can know, a freedom
> incarnate.  Quite
> simply put:  I don't have to be here.  I can be
> there, if I want to.  Let
> us strive to keep it this way.  
> Jennifer
> '79 Scirocco
> '71 Plymouth Satellite
> sigmacenterprises@bigfoot.com
> ----------
> | From: Jonathan Miles <jem@clara.co.uk>
> | To: scirocco-l@scirocco.org
> | Subject: Re: Fw: April 30 - Don't buy GAS - the
> Local Angle
> | Date: Tuesday, April 13, 1999 11:49 AM
> | 
> | Just to put these prices into perspective. Here in
> the UK we pay about 80
> | pence per litre for Super Unleaded.  We're moving
> towards a quid a Litre
> for
> | Christ's sake!!!
> | Don't know what that is in $ per Gallon but it's a
> lot.  80% of this is
> tax
> | imposed by the anti-car bastards that we have in
> government here.
> | 
> | Jonathan
> | '90 Scirocco GTII
> | 
> | -----Original Message-----
> | From: T Berk <tberk@mindspring.com>
> | To: Michael Friesen <mfriesen@sympatico.ca>
> | Cc: Scirocco List <scirocco-l@scirocco.org>
> | Date: 13 April 1999 08:08
> | Subject: Re: Fw: April 30 - Don't buy GAS - the
> Local Angle
> | 
> | 
> | >
> | >
> | >This whole thing is based on a guy here in the SF
> Bay Area.  We just
> | >went from about $1.35-$1.50 for Super Unleaded to
> $1.99 in about 2
> | >days.  You know they'd just love to break the
> US$2.00 barrier but each
> | >of the players are afraid to be the 1st one to do
> so.
> | >
> | >Sticker shock has people b*tchen about how it's
> just speculators and the
> | >Oil Companies who are artificially raising the
> price in order to gouge
> | >the public.  The blame has been explained away as
> two recent refinery
> | >accidents that have cut production, OPEC at play
> again, and the
> | >alignment of the planets.  Phooey.
> | >
> | >In a way we are a captive audience, we are going
> to buy it anyway, maybe
> | >less at 1st, but people around here are too
> attached to cars and have
> | >few viable alternatives.
> | >
> | >To our local credit Mass Transit is recently
> reasserting itself with
> | >extensions to a Light Rail system in Silicon
> Valley, the Caltrain
> | >commuter system that serves SF to SJ and is
> haggling over converting
> | >from Diesel to Electric, and car pool lanes
> (despite people seeing them
> | >as not as useful as they might have wanted-
> you've got to leave your own
> | >car at home, at least sometimes, for it to work.)
> | >
> | >For my part I'll be back on the Train & Bike now
> that the weather has
> | >Sprung again. I don't really like wearing out my
> Scirocco stuck in rush
> | >hour traffic anyway.
> | >
> | >A price increase of 33% in 48 hours was what
> prompted this guy to send
> | >out the email, yes we will just get a fillup on
> Thursday before, but we
> | >know that. The point I think is to cause a blip
> on the screen, maybe
> | >this could be leveraged when the rubber meets the
> road, who knows.
> | >
> | >All it might serve to do is vent some
> frustration. Might be a good
> | >thing.
> | >
> | >TBerk
> | >I was going to mention this thing earlier but
> I've been busy pulling
> | >shark teeth out of my butt.  :P
> | >
> | >--
> | >To unsubscribe, send "unsubscribe scirocco-l" to
> majordomo@scirocco.org.
> | >If you experience other problems, email:
> scirocco-l-probs@scirocco.org
> | >
> | >
> | >
> | 
> | 
> | --
> | To unsubscribe, send "unsubscribe scirocco-l" to
> majordomo@scirocco.org.
> | If you experience other problems, email:
> scirocco-l-probs@scirocco.org
> | 
<html><head></head><BODY bgcolor="#F8E0B0"><p><font
size=3 color="#000080" face="ZapfHumnst BT">Colleagues
of your &quot;anti-car bastards&quot; are doing their
best here, too. &nbsp;They cry about how the
automobile has ruined landscapes and cityscapes, how
the evil auto has adversely affected urban growth in
America and lessened air quality. &nbsp;They seem to
forget how much the automobile has increased our
productivity in the last 70 years, opened so many
doors of opportunity for us, as well as contributed to
our sense of independence, which we have treasured so
much in the US. &nbsp;But here lies the very root of
the issue: &nbsp;socialistic, environmentalist
policy-makers do not wish to see our independence
continue to flourish. &nbsp;They'd rather see us
huddled together in our quaint, well-planned cities,
accepting what is handed us, getting about on our
bicycles, and using more costly &quot;recycled&quot;
products. &nbsp;In short, a society of people much
easier to contain, in the end. &nbsp;<br><br>So, I
cringe when I hear folks making statements about how
petroleum product prices should be raised to lessen
their use. &nbsp;My face turns red with anger when I
hear liberal statements about marketing electric cars,
mandating even stricter emissions' controls or <font
size=3>improving suburban transit (i.e., making it the
only practical mode of transportation)<font size=3>.
&nbsp;There are some who would make us feel bad for
using any resources whatsoever. &nbsp;Resources were
put here for us to use, albeit wisely. &nbsp;We should
not be made to feel guilty about it, nor should their
use be restricted to the point where none of us
benefits from them. &nbsp;So what is next? &nbsp;<font
size=3>If we are not considering only what is good for
the environment, will we be the black sheep? &nbsp;And
later, w<font size=3>ill we be made to feel bad about
our very independence? <br><br>Well, I won't.
&nbsp;This whole discussion makes me want to get into
my car, and go for a drive. &nbsp;I want to feel the
wind in my hair, the pulsing of pistons at my breast,
and watch the scenery wash by me as if time has stood
still and I'm the only thing going forward.
&nbsp;<br><br>That is a freedom only a driver can
know, a freedom incarnate. &nbsp;Quite simply put:
&nbsp;I don't have to be here. &nbsp;I can be there,
if I want to. &nbsp;Let us strive to keep it this way.
&nbsp;<br><br>Jennifer<br>'79 Scirocco<br>'71 Plymouth
color="#800000">----------<br>| From: Jonathan Miles
&lt;<font color="#FF8040"><u>jem@clara.co.uk</u><font
color="#800000">&gt;<br>| To: <font
color="#800000"><br>| Subject: Re: Fw: April 30 -
Don't buy GAS - the Local Angle<br>| Date: Tuesday,
April 13, 1999 11:49 AM<br>| <br>| Just to put these
prices into perspective. Here in the UK we pay about
80<br>| pence per litre for Super Unleaded.
&nbsp;We're moving towards a quid a Litre for<br>|
Christ's sake!!!<br>| Don't know what that is in $ per
Gallon but it's a lot. &nbsp;80% of this is tax<br>|
imposed by the anti-car bastards that we have in
government here.<br>| <br>| Jonathan<br>| '90 Scirocco
GTII<br>| <br>| -----Original Message-----<br>| From:
T Berk &lt;<font
color="#800000">&gt;<br>| To: Michael Friesen
color="#800000">&gt;<br>| Cc: Scirocco List &lt;<font
color="#800000">&gt;<br>| Date: 13 April 1999
08:08<br>| Subject: Re: Fw: April 30 - Don't buy GAS -
the Local Angle<br>| <br>| <br>| &gt;<br>| &gt;<br>|
&gt;This whole thing is based on a guy here in the SF
Bay Area. &nbsp;We just<br>| &gt;went from about
$1.35-$1.50 for Super Unleaded to $1.99 in about
2<br>| &gt;days. &nbsp;You know they'd just love to
break the US$2.00 barrier but each<br>| &gt;of the
players are afraid to be the 1st one to do so.<br>|
&gt;<br>| &gt;Sticker shock has people b*tchen about
how it's just speculators and the<br>| &gt;Oil
Companies who are artificially raising the price in
order to gouge<br>| &gt;the public. &nbsp;The blame
has been explained away as two recent refinery<br>|
&gt;accidents that have cut production, OPEC at play
again, and the<br>| &gt;alignment of the planets.
&nbsp;Phooey.<br>| &gt;<br>| &gt;In a way we are a
captive audience, we are going to buy it anyway,
maybe<br>| &gt;less at 1st, but people around here are
too attached to cars and have<br>| &gt;few viable
alternatives.<br>| &gt;<br>| &gt;To our local credit
Mass Transit is recently reasserting itself with<br>|
&gt;extensions to a Light Rail system in Silicon
Valley, the Caltrain<br>| &gt;commuter system that
serves SF to SJ and is haggling over converting<br>|
&gt;from Diesel to Electric, and car pool lanes
(despite people seeing them<br>| &gt;as not as useful
as they might have wanted- you've got to leave your
own<br>| &gt;car at home, at least sometimes, for it
to work.)<br>| &gt;<br>| &gt;For my part I'll be back
on the Train &amp; Bike now that the weather has<br>|
&gt;Sprung again. I don't really like wearing out my
Scirocco stuck in rush<br>| &gt;hour traffic
anyway.<br>| &gt;<br>| &gt;A price increase of 33% in
48 hours was what prompted this guy to send<br>|
&gt;out the email, yes we will just get a fillup on
Thursday before, but we<br>| &gt;know that. The point
I think is to cause a blip on the screen, maybe<br>|
&gt;this could be leveraged when the rubber meets the
road, who knows.<br>| &gt;<br>| &gt;All it might serve
to do is vent some frustration. Might be a good<br>|
&gt;thing.<br>| &gt;<br>| &gt;TBerk<br>| &gt;I was
going to mention this thing earlier but I've been busy
pulling<br>| &gt;shark teeth out of my butt.
&nbsp;:P<br>| &gt;<br>| &gt;--<br>| &gt;To
unsubscribe, send &quot;unsubscribe scirocco-l&quot;
to <font
color="#800000"><br>| &gt;If you experience other
problems, email: <font
color="#800000"><br>| &gt;<br>| &gt;<br>| &gt;<br>|
<br>| <br>| --<br>| To unsubscribe, send
&quot;unsubscribe scirocco-l&quot; to <font
color="#800000"><br>| If you experience other
problems, email: <font
color="#800000"><br>| </p>


87 Westfalia Gl
84 Scirocco 8v


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