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Re: Adjusting Mixture (How Do I?)
I guess that I'll just have to go to a shop and get it done. I gotta get
the emmissions test done anyways. I needed to replace the mixture screw
cuz it had been rounded by its misuse. I managed to take one apart and I
got the other one back together as well. Now I have a new mixture screw
but a bad mixture. Thanks for the help anyways.
I've had a few replies where people have asked why did you do this for?
However, it was a relatively easy thing to do. Just be careful and measure
all the distances.
Thanks for the concern
At 12:47 AM 4/13/99 -0700, you wrote:
>Sal Guzzo wrote:
>> I need to know how do I adjust my mixture by myself. I have just taken
>> apart a air sensor in order to get to the fuel mixture screw. But before I
>> attempt to take apart the next one, I waswondering if I can simply adjust
>> the mixture by myself or do I need some sort of tool. BTW, keep in mind
>> that I am replacing the mixture screw so the mixture will be way off
>> initially. How do I fix this?
>> Thanks
>> Sal
>It is my experience that you do not need to take anything apart to get
>to the adjustment screw, that some of the later units have the access
>hole blocked up. Drilling the hole out makes for easy access to the set
>Pls. excuse my seemingly dumb question, (but we're all friends here,
>right?)- Why did you take it apart? And why are you replacing the screw?
>God knows I have taken bunches apart ( and not gotten ) them (all) back
>together, at least in my younger years. :)
>To answer your question; a dwell meter is required, If you don't have
>the super expensive gas analyzer in the garage. I myself could use some
>direction with it's use- the Bentley says;
>"Don't do it without the proper Equipment, like a Sun EPA 75 Performance
>Analyzer... blah, blah, blah."
>There seems to be a way to do it with a dwell meter and a measurement of
>what the O2 sensor is doing.
>Any elaboration out there?
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