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Re: New Dimensions Show gathering.
> (Consider this
> your warning: *She will not be on a leash and she bites. Mr. Berk already
> found that out. Hope that bite healed up by now.*)
Grr!, Grr! B]
> Whatever we do, we need to ALL hook up saturday night!
> > I think a BBQ is in the works for Sat. eve.
> Oh?? Pretell?
I was doing some burnt offerings, hopefully in the parking lot.
Trying to avoid Pork on general principal, but Beef, Lamb, and a Shrimp
or two might be up for the sacrifice.
I'll be traveling almost the least amount of distance compared to the
rest and while the house is pretty full already, I can offer folks a
place to hide from the cops if need be. :)
I was going to cruise the hotels listed on ND's web site but got buzy
with the new job. ( Computers & Biomedical. New meaning to the phrase-
"You've got bugs".)
Look for something additional tomorrow evening.
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