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Re: New Dimensions Show gathering.

On Wed, 7 Apr 1999 03:05:00 -0400 Kathy Teulie
<104372.1061@compuserve.com> writes:
>OK it is time for the gathering of the New Dimensions group.
>First we should organize a southern and northern migration
>toward New Dimensions. Last year the drive up was unforgettable.

Yeah because nobody got arrested!
Potterman is being a wuss and will be doing the one lap race. ZZZzzzzzz.
Whatever. So shall we have a Sciroccovan drive up there like last year?
Will we take the long route again, or just drive straight up there? The
drive last year was OK considering we didn't get to see the picturesque
views of hwy 1 that I expected. Nonetheless, it was a beautiful drive.
(How many of you backed out of the throttle and said to yourselves, "oh,
wow man", every now and then on the drive.)
We need to better situate the CB action before this trip. It could of
saved us getting pulled over IF we had a couple CB's with a transmitting
range greater than the length of 2 cars. :)
(Kewl, im gonna go CB shopping!!) 

> This year we all should stay in the same hotel and this way
>we can meet up as we arrive. We can eat in the rooms or  in  the 
>parking lot and have a mini car show.

No way dude! I say we go BACK to Chevy's Restraunt again on Saturday
night?! We even had a round table and only the coolest of (ahem) cool
people were there. (Lets see... I was there..... um.... RIGHT!) 
I'll be bringing Julie this trip so I can drink at dinner! (Consider this
your warning: *She will not be on a leash and she bites. Mr. Berk already
found that out. Hope that bite healed up by now.*)
Whatever we do, we need to ALL hook up saturday night! 

> I think a BBQ is in the works for Sat. eve.

Oh?? Pretell?

>I will bring my RC VW Golf 4 and challenge the list to a mini  Auto-x. 

I will crush your Golf with my ROC!!!

>I think we could smash a Honda as a after dinner activity. If we all
>stay in the same hotel (keep Shawn out of jail) the risk of DUI will 
>be lower. 

Yah. Keep me out of jail guys. 

>In the morning we can all drive in at the same time and take over the
>parking lot at ND. 

What? No breakfast at the Ihop??

>Last year the A1 club filled the front row with MK1 Sciroccos. This year
>we should fill the rest of the lot with MK1 and MK2's. I dont want to
see a 
>single A2 or A3 in the parking lot! They will need to park on the
street. And 
>dont forget the incredible Bret Erickson MK2 Scirocco at the show that
took the 
>best of show prize.
>Who is going this year?

Well, were gonna have to get there pretty early to get choice spots. Then
again, we could just drive right in and park right in front of the

              Shawn Meze
86' Jetta GLi           82' Scirocco GTi
The Fastest, Quickest, Cleanest and
best looking Scirocco in all of San Diego!

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