I wonder if you could advise on the following problem:
I have a 1991 Scirocco Scala 1.8i manual (J154 JBD) which has an
intermittant stalling problem. The engine will cut out completely for no
apparent reason. This can happen at any speed including idle and in any
gear (although not yet reverse). When it cuts it loses all power
and will stall when the clutch is dipped. Sometimes it can be restated
by bumping but most of the time you have to come to a complete stop,
turn off the ignition and leave it for anything between a couple of
seconds and ten minutes before it will restart.Upon restarting there are
no problems until it stalls again.
Other symptoms
1) The engine is always warm - never cuts when engine is cold
2) No other electrical systems other than ignition are effected
3) Hunting idle whilst cold which is fine when warm
4) A feeling when pressing the throttle that the car cant be bothered
i.e tardy rough acceleration
I have been to my local VAG dealer three times who cannot find a
problem/replicate the problem.They have fiddled about with the
ignition/idle and created symptom 4 above.
Please can help if possible as it is now happening every 2 to 3 miles
making the car slightly better than useless as you cannot rely or trust
it at all
Thanking you in anticipation
Andy Holmes