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big brakes, big master cylinder, prop. valves etc
Now I tested my car with the 22mm mastercylinder instead of the
smaller I had earlier. Stopping power is the same but you can
push lighter on brake pedal and get almost to much breaking,
like new Audi and Golfs.
For proportional valves I use the one bolted original under the
master cylinder on my 82 and it works good in combination with
280mm discs front and discs back. Fronts lock slightly before
back when road is straight, if your in a turn innen back wheel
will lock first. Havent succeded playing a helicopter yet,
hopefully that day doesn't come.
Conclusion, if your adding discs instead of drums back you can
go with the mastercylinder you have, but you have to press a
little harder with your foot.
And the 16V prop.valves aren't really necessary but if you get
them I guess they won't hurt.
Roland Johansson
Scirocco 1,6l TIC -82
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