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Re: General Lee colors
(laugh) you guys should have seen my first car... an '83 Quantum GL5 Wagon all
painted up different colors. I had a party and put out paint and paintbrushes and
sandpaper, and my friends went to town. I think the car is still out there
somewhere. It was quite the piece of art... yin yang on the roof, fire on the rear
left fender, trees on the left rear door, front left fender was red, front right
fender was blue... purple hatch, vine all the way down the right side... random
designs all over the hood. I miss that car... I got quite the looks! Maybe I'll go
find it and buy it back for the $100 it's probably now worth just to park it in my
yard as a museum piece.
'84 GTI
'87 QSW
Matthew Yip wrote:
> My crew have been toying with the idea of painting my racecar ('87 GTi 16v)
> bright orange and tacking on a Rebel flag and calling it the General Li. I've
> been keeping a close eye on the car so I'm hoping it remains boring silver
> BUT...
> --- Night Shadow <soltwede@ucsub.colorado.edu> wrote:
> >
> > THats a good one....thinking that "General Lee" color?
> ===
> Matthew Yip
> mgyip@yahoo.com
> '87 GTi 0v
> '88 M5
> '99 F350
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