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Re: Jonas & his Keyboard
if in doubt just don't read it.
I agree. This is blatantly stupid.
----- Original Message -----
From: Paul Maione <scirocco_16v@yahoo.com>
To: Matthew Yip <mgyip@yahoo.com>
Cc: <scirocco-l@scirocco.org>
Sent: Monday, April 05, 1999 11:46 AM
Subject: Re: Jonas & his Keyboard
> > OK folks - I've been watching everyone bitch and
> > moan about Jonas's keyboard
> > for 3-4 days now. If we (collectively) are that
> > pissed off by it AND, as
> > evidenced by the messages, they're so damn cheap -
> > why don't we all chip in
> > $1-$2, send it to Jonas and have him buy a new
> > keyboard? Hell, I might be
> > able to purloin one from the office.
> people
> are getting so mad over this! Okay the guy's keyboard
> is fucked. He's Lazy (and can't afford it) to go get a
> new one. Either delete his reply's and messages, or
> just try to read them. It's really not that hard to
> read them. Poor guy, if he signed off because everyone
> was bitching at him to, that's not cool.
> ===
> Paul Maione (Rump Rocker)
> Scirocco 86' 8v (Ready to Roll :)
> http://www.geocities.com/MotorCity/Garage/9149/
> E-Mail - mmaion@po-pox.mcgill.ca
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