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Re: removing front struts
Hey Josh, I sent the shocks and springs as one unit, and ready to go right
in to the car. So you need not worry about a spring compressor or anything
like that. And the strut bearings on there are in great shape so there
shouldn't be any problem with them. It should be a nice straight forward
install for you. Good Luck!
Rich Deede
University Of Delaware (Communications)
1988 Scirocco 2.0 16v
1987 Scirocco 16v - R.I.P.
On Sun, 4 Apr 1999, Gerry Reichelt wrote:
> At 18:26 04/04/99 PDT, Joshua Strait wrote:
> >I need some help. I plan to replace my struts and shocks next weekend,
> >so yesterday I was sizing up the nuts and bolts I need to remove them
> >and I just started tinkering with the hex head flange nut that is
> >attached to the strut shaft (I think). It is the one above the strut
> >bearing in the engine compartment. Well, I found a socket to hold the
> >strut shaft nut so I could remove the little hex nut. I put WD-40 on it
> >and Liquid Wrench on it and I tapped on it but it still won't budge.
> >What can I do?? I want to get them loosened so I can do the job next
> >weekend. I twisted pretty hard, and it seems like I'm going to bust my
> >allen wrench before the hex screw breaks loose.
> >BTW neither side will break loose. The righty-tighty, lefty-loosey rule
> >does apply doesn't it?
> Danger Will Robinson! The 7mm hex is not a nut. It's the strut shaft
> itself. To remove the strut assy. from the car...1) remove the wheel 2)
> remove the two bolts holding the bottom of the strut to the axle assy. Pay
> attention how they're installed. 3) remove the two 13mm nuts next to the
> upper strut bearing. You can now remove the entire strut intact. Don't
> attempt to disassemble the strut without a spring compressor! A lot of
> parts shops loan them out if you buy strut cartridges from them. The large
> nut is a 22mm. You can use an impact to spin it off without holding the 7mm
> hex.(usually) Check the condition of your strut bearings when off as well.
> Reassembly is reverse. You'll need an alignment afterwards. Have fun.
> Gerry
> --
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