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Re: removing front struts
At 18:26 04/04/99 PDT, Joshua Strait wrote:
>I need some help. I plan to replace my struts and shocks next weekend,
>so yesterday I was sizing up the nuts and bolts I need to remove them
>and I just started tinkering with the hex head flange nut that is
>attached to the strut shaft (I think). It is the one above the strut
>bearing in the engine compartment. Well, I found a socket to hold the
>strut shaft nut so I could remove the little hex nut. I put WD-40 on it
>and Liquid Wrench on it and I tapped on it but it still won't budge.
>What can I do?? I want to get them loosened so I can do the job next
>weekend. I twisted pretty hard, and it seems like I'm going to bust my
>allen wrench before the hex screw breaks loose.
>BTW neither side will break loose. The righty-tighty, lefty-loosey rule
>does apply doesn't it?
Danger Will Robinson! The 7mm hex is not a nut. It's the strut shaft
itself. To remove the strut assy. from the car...1) remove the wheel 2)
remove the two bolts holding the bottom of the strut to the axle assy. Pay
attention how they're installed. 3) remove the two 13mm nuts next to the
upper strut bearing. You can now remove the entire strut intact. Don't
attempt to disassemble the strut without a spring compressor! A lot of
parts shops loan them out if you buy strut cartridges from them. The large
nut is a 22mm. You can use an impact to spin it off without holding the 7mm
hex.(usually) Check the condition of your strut bearings when off as well.
Reassembly is reverse. You'll need an alignment afterwards. Have fun.
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