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Re: I ask the list what the hell is this????
On Sun, 4 Apr 1999 17:45:43 +0000 "Ryan Schuermann" <rts@nol.net> writes:
>what the hell is going on here? i thought this list had some rules
>and general considerations we are all to follow to keep it sane.
Well, back when Kevin started this mailing list, his rules were pretty
simple. No spamming. (damn fine rule.) The posts didn't have to be
Scirocco topics only, they could be posts about any watercooled VW as I
recall we sort of decided that one. The main topics were to be mostly A1
cars since all Scirocco's shared the same mechanicals as all the other
I don't recall that cussing was banned from this list but we all know
that its nicer to read posts that were some what cleaned up. Im the first
fucker to admit that I do cuss from time to time but its used only to
stress a point and I really do try to mind my manner as best I can.
The other rule that I know of is no flame wars, take it private. (LOL!)
Ive slipped on that one once or twice.
Lastly, there is a neticate (sp) rule that is pretty much assumed that
you don't do here either and that's to post in whole or excerpts of a
private e-mail to the list.
>Now, this thread is so rediculous, yet it seems some people are
>"higher and mightier" than the list..and because they think they are
>butt buddies with the list moderator they can say, and do whatever
>the heck the please??? what kind of list has this become??
Lost me here.
>can we
>have a LITTLE moderation, a little consideration??. damn it's the
>holidays and you all are cussing and ranting and raving and acting
>like big pricks, this list isnt a pissing contest.
I think we should self moderate if (Who is the new list maintainer
fellow. [ is it chris?] and what does he say?) its not being governed by
>I know i'm no the
>only one that is feeling this way..do we really want to associate
>this list with scirocco.org?
I don't follow you. No mailing list is perfect in any way. Ive been on a
few other mailing lists and this one is by far the tamest one around when
it comes to the flames/content ratio. You have got to expect people to go
beyond the state of disagreement to a pissing contest anytime you have
more than 2 people talking. that's just human nature and I feel that this
list has well below the flames allowed by the FDA's daily allowance.
Besides, Scirocco.org IS this list.
>..so peole can hop on here and read crap
>about someone keyboard and they get nasty, rude replies from people
>that are OBVIOUSLY breaking list rules?
Oh, like what you did below? :)
>I wrote....
>"DUDE stop posting this crap to the list, e-mail him privately if you
>have a problem!...i don't need to read your whining so please, please
>stop sending it to the list."
First of all, just some friendly advice to you and anyone else who might
want results and not a flamming reply. Try not to be so accusatory and
condescending to people when you want them to do something for you. Would
you have replied in a nice way if John had sent this message to you? I
know I wouldn't.
Instead, you might of said:
"DUDE stop posting this crap to the list, e-mail him privately if you
have a problem!...Please, please stop sending it to the list."
don't you think that would of gotten a positive result?
>lets qote John Van Vuren's reply to me.....
>"Let me assure you that I am on better terms with the list
>"moderator" (otherwise known as Chris) than you probably think, and
>there is little you can do to have me booted. Feel free to try if
>you like....
Oh, now I understand your comments above a little better. This was a
personal war between you and John.
>this is bullshit. I left this list before for a good year and i think
>i'll do the same, it would be pitiful that one asshole drives many
>away but hey, what do i care? i'm just here to help share my
>experiences and get help, but from the crap i get on this list, i can
>get more help just calling up a few select people by phone.
>Folks, get a life, get out more and be a BIT nicer.
Oh man.
Great advice dude. A tad bit aggressive but great advice. Maybe its me
but if you send out private replies like that to people, don't you think
the responses you get will be just that, crap?
Im trying to help you here dude but im having a hard time seeing things
your way. I hope you don't take any of what ive said as a flame, its
surely not intended as such. Im just replying to your message in which
you asked, "I ask the list what the hell is this"????
Shawn Meze
86' Jetta GLi 82' Scirocco GTi
The Fastest, Quickest, Cleanest and
best looking Scirocco in all of San Diego!
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