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I ask the list what the hell is this????
what the hell is going on here? i thought this list had some rules
and general considerations we are all to follow to keep it sane.
Now, this thread is so rediculous, yet it seems some people are
"higher and mightier" than the list..and because they think they are
butt buddies with the list moderator they can say, and do whatever
the heck the please??? what kind of list has this become?? can we
have a LITTLE moderation, a little consideration??. damn it's the
holidays and you all are cussing and ranting and raving and acting
like big pricks, this list isnt a pissing contest. I know i'm no the
only one that is feeling this way..do we really want to associate
this list with scirocco.org?..so peole can hop on here and read crap
about someone keyboard and they get nasty, rude replies from people
that are OBVIOUSLY breaking list rules?
it's scaring off all the new members and roally pissing off all the
old members.
I wrote....
"DUDE stop posting this crap to the list, e-mail him privately if you
have a problem!...i dont need to read your whining so please, please stop sending it to
the list."
lets qote John Van Vuren's reply to me.....
"Let me assure you that I am on better terms with the list
"moderator" (otherwise known as Chris) than you probably think, and
there is little you can do to have me booted. Feel free to try if
you like....
this is bullshit. I left this list before for a good year and i think
i'll do the same, it would be pitiful that one asshole drives many
away but hey, what do i care? i'm just here to help share my
experiences and get help, but from the crap i get on this list, i can
get more help just calling up a few select people by phone.
Folks, get a life, get out more and be a BIT nicer.
87 16v rieger gto/evo
86 8v rieger gto/comp
81 scirocco s
99 passat 1.8T
87 16v rip
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