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Re: Hydro vs. Solid

I don't have the numbers either and checking a lifter will certainly tell you
for sure, but all you should need to do is glance under the valve cover.  If
you have 5 caps holding the cam down then it is solid, if their are only 4
caps holding the cam down then it is hydro.  I am fairly sure this is an
accurate test, if anyone knows different please speak up.

Bill Cawley

Shawn C Meze wrote:

> On Sat, 03 Apr 1999 10:21:06 -0800 Sal Guzzo <yu129742@YorkU.CA> writes:
> >I am possibly purchasing a second head for my 1.8.  The fellow says
> >that it's a solid lifter head.  How, if I can, tell the differece
> between
> >the solid and hydro heads.  Thanks
> >
> >
> >Sal
> Lifters.
> If you have the head and its got the lifters installed, just pull one and
> look at it. (you can tell the difference from hyd and solid lifters,
> cantcha?)
> The solid lifters have replaceable shims. You can see them and how they
> fit into the lifter with the lifter installed in the head. There's also 2
> notches on the lifter that allows you to grip the shim to replace it.
> That's a Solid lifter all right.
> The hyd lifter actually looks more solid. There's no replaceable shim nor
> is there the 2 notches in the top of the lifter. If you removed it, it
> looks very much like a regular (Like a chevy, ford, Case or John Deere)
> hyd lifter.
> Unfortunately, I don't have any casting numbers to give you that would
> identify the head as either a hyd or solid head. Looking at the lifters
> should be evidence enough. HTH!!
>               Shawn Meze
> 86' Jetta GLi           82' Scirocco GTi
> The Fastest, Quickest, Cleanest and
> best looking Scirocco in all of San Diego!
> http://www.Geocities.com/MotorCity/Speedway/1308/index.htm
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