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Re: Hydro vs. Solid
On Sat, 03 Apr 1999 10:21:06 -0800 Sal Guzzo <yu129742@YorkU.CA> writes:
>I am possibly purchasing a second head for my 1.8. The fellow says
>that it's a solid lifter head. How, if I can, tell the differece
>the solid and hydro heads. Thanks
If you have the head and its got the lifters installed, just pull one and
look at it. (you can tell the difference from hyd and solid lifters,
The solid lifters have replaceable shims. You can see them and how they
fit into the lifter with the lifter installed in the head. There's also 2
notches on the lifter that allows you to grip the shim to replace it.
That's a Solid lifter all right.
The hyd lifter actually looks more solid. There's no replaceable shim nor
is there the 2 notches in the top of the lifter. If you removed it, it
looks very much like a regular (Like a chevy, ford, Case or John Deere)
hyd lifter.
Unfortunately, I don't have any casting numbers to give you that would
identify the head as either a hyd or solid head. Looking at the lifters
should be evidence enough. HTH!!
Shawn Meze
86' Jetta GLi 82' Scirocco GTi
The Fastest, Quickest, Cleanest and
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