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SV: Jonas
Since your spacebar is working so badly, maybe _
And don't tell us your _ is toasted to
Roland Johansson
Scirocco 1,6l TIC -82
> Från: jonas miller <sjmill@erols.com>
> Till: John Van Vuren <veedublu@prod.net>
> Kopia: Scirocco List <scirocco-l@scirocco.org>
> Ämne: Re: Jonas
> Datum: den 3 april 1999 23:47
> i am truely sorry but the space does not always work it is
not a
> matterofgoing back andhitting the spacebar when it does
> i will try to getit fixed i will bet aking apart ADN TRYIGN TO
> John Van Vuren wrote:
> >
> > >hey guys i just finished spending about 3K or soon
> > >mycarsowhenmyincometax comes back i will get
anewboard......i gotno
> > >cash right nowfor anything but hte car..leasebear with
> > >timebeing
> > >thanks foryour support
> > >jonas
> >
> > So, if I ask nicely, will you please just go back and insert
the spaces
> > before you send the message? It can't be that difficult
(then again neither
> > is ignoring you completely and using my delete key, which is
the next step -
> > but I'm still gonna bitch about it)
> >
> > John
> >
> > '87 16v Scirocco
> > and lots of other stuff
> > website - http://www.prod.net/jvanvuren/vw.htm
> --
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