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Re: Jonas
Uh, Kevin:
he said HE would sign off the list until he could get a new keyboard.
> > ill just sign off the list for
When I found out about this list, I was ecstatic. Imagine, a bunch of
people as loony about a car as I am. Imagine it: a loose brotherhood of
people of all ages and backgrounds with the same interest. We get enough
shit from the general population about the cars we drive. It just seems, to
me anyway, to be really BULLSHIT to spend so much time bickering over
something so fucking trivial. The sun will come up whether or not Jonas'
keyboard works correctly. It's not the end of the world. Hit the delete key
if it bothers you that much. Christ, spring's here. Time to hit the road,
feel the wind blowing your hair, and other good stuff. Be happy.
I apologize for the length. Feel free to flame me if you wish.
Accept me for what I am. Completely unacceptable.
> From: Kevin Collins <kevinc@flashcom.net>
> To: jonas miller <sjmill@erols.com>
> Cc: John Van Vuren <veedublu@prod.net>; Scirocco List
> Subject: Re: Jonas
> Date: Saturday, April 03, 1999 7:46 PM
> jonas miller wrote:
> > you guys dont get it i dont do it on purpose i just come home and the
> > keyboard works or it doesn't if it is pissing you guys off that much
a couple months till i can afford to buy
> > a new one
> Say WHAT??? You want US to sign off the list because you can't afford a
> fucking $10 keyboard? Give us a fucking break.
> YOU can sign off until you can scrounge $10. And you should - this is
> truly getting out of hand.
> --
> Kevin Collins
> Huntington Beach, CA
> '86.5 Scirocco 16V 2.0
> '97 GTI VR6
> http://www.geocities.com/MotorCity/Factory/1780/
> --
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