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RE: 16V swap questions
Date: Thu, 1 Apr 1999 13:40:08 -0500
To: bhonnold@pac-cap.com
From: Jim Jarrett <jarrett@kodak.com>
Subject: RE: 16V swap questions
Cc: scirocco-l@scirocco.org
You should be able to just splice into you exhisting harness. much
easier and less time extensive then doing a full harness swap. I
belive there are only 3 wires to splice in on a cis e harness
On Wed, 31 Mar 1999 10:50:50 -0800 Brian Honnold <bhonnold@pac-cap.com> wrote
>Now that I am getting serious about swapping the 16V motor into my MkI I
>have a couple of stumbling blocks to climb over.
Have you given any thought as to what you're going to do about the engine
management mate-up to your current electrical system? I'm almost at that
point, and I've asked the list before for some help. I got 2 answers that
covered both my choices:
-Choice 1: Figure out how to splice into my current system
-Choice 2: Pull the whole harness from the donor 16v, not just the engine
harness, and use the 16v fusebox and wiring loom.
So, the open question is: What do I do?
| Jim Jarrett,CCP |
| Eastman Kodak Co. - Professional Digital Cameras |
| 901 Elmgrove Road MC 35504 |
| Rochester, NY 14653-5504 Phone:(716) 726-6365 |
| jarrett@kodak.com All opinions expressed are mine alone |
| http://www.kodak.com |
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