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Re: 16V swap questions
I've Done this job twice and both times I took the whole harness out of the donor
car and spliced the existing wires going to the back of the car into the donor
harness. I enlarged the 2 holes through the firewall into one big hole and put
rubber molding around the edges to keep from cutting the wires with the firewall
edge. The dash wiring is the only other hard part of this method.
As for the exhaust, I am not sure if it will bolt up to the existing cat. On one
car I took the entire exhaust system from the donor car. The other car was
racing only and has a custom exhaust mated to the downpipe.
Bill Cawley
Jim Jarrett wrote:
> On Wed, 31 Mar 1999 10:50:50 -0800 Brian Honnold <bhonnold@pac-cap.com> wrote
> >Now that I am getting serious about swapping the 16V motor into my MkI I
> >have a couple of stumbling blocks to climb over.
> Brian,
> Have you given any thought as to what you're going to do about the engine
> management mate-up to your current electrical system? I'm almost at that
> point, and I've asked the list before for some help. I got 2 answers that
> covered both my choices:
> -Choice 1: Figure out how to splice into my current system
> -Choice 2: Pull the whole harness from the donor 16v, not just the engine
> harness, and use the 16v fusebox and wiring loom.
> So, the open question is: What do I do?
> Thanks.
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