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Re: Monza Quality

>I recently recieved a dual 3" baffled tip from Monza to quiet my car 
down a
>little. Upon inspection (was new in original bag and box) the Chrome 
shows pitting
>and black spots. The black spots appear as some sort of rust.I also am
>diappointed with the use of yellow electrical tape to seperate the 
chrome and black
>shrink painted surface. Its not enough that the uses crappy material 
but they couldnt
>even cut the tape, it was tore unevenly and applied crooked. The slash 
cut on
>the tips is also uneven! I may be just nitpicking (I know I am), but 
how hard
>could it be to cut tape and make sure its straight. Ohh well, just 
thought Id share
>my rant......
>Thank You for Your Time,
>        Shannon Fenton

Yeah, that's the way they are. At Auto Addictions, we saw a number of 
substandard parts come through... another not too good brand is the 
Konig 'MOZART' brand- kinda ratty looking.... BUT it is an exhaust tip, 
if you want a show piece, look at Remus or some of the other 'up' 
brands. They're expensive, but if it matters to you....

                       CHRIS CHEMIDLIN

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          58 Type1 Ragtop, 84 Jetta GLi, 87 Foxwagen

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