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SV: BMW almost made the New Scirocco, why can't VW?

Earlier an offshot making Fiats in Spain but bought buy VW and
making similar cars as the Golf, Audi A3, A4 etc. In VW mighty
family thjeck Scoda is a member to.

And pronounciasion is something like you heard: see-at like look

Roland Johansson
Scirocco 1,6l TIC -82

> I just noticed this new brand name yesterday while watching
the Rally
> cars on the telly. The brittish anouncers pronounced it
nothing like its
> read, AKA I read it "SEAT" like something you sit on/in. They
> it, "say-eat". 
> Anyhoo, is this an offshoot of VW or whats the deal. Anybody
>               Shawn Meze

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