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Re: 82' Scirocco (1.7l) stuttering a bit...
>One important point that I missed - your 1982 Scirocco has the sh*tty
>single outlet manifold - get a dual outlet manifold from an earlier
>Scirocco (1981 or earlier) or a Rabbit.
Ok, thanks, will do... I heard that the manifold is a bitch to get
>I would upgrade your 60mm airflow meter to the 80mm size - this will
>you about 5hp right off the bat.
Off of what car (I'm assuming that it's not aftermarket) would I get
this from?
>The 1.7 is a good motor. The main problem is the head. The valves are
>34/32 compared with 40/33 on the JH head. Put a big valve head on the
>block, then . . . The early GTi motors (euro) were 1.6 and put out 110
Well then... I think I'm going to price out the difference between a JH
head, or the whole JH engine.... (I'm not exactly able to throw my cash
around, being a college student)
Plus just adding on a JH head rather than doing an engine swap would
make the job considerably easier...
Thanks alot, between this list and the scirocco web pages out there, I'm
learning a ton about water-cooled vw's ....!
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