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Re: Almost crashed!

Christopher Mende wrote:

> I know it is a bit of an unrelated thread, but I was in my rocco, so
> it
> should be topical. ;-)
> I was driving through and intersection when I noticed a motor home
> waiting
> at the light of the leftside cross traffic....oh, about 30-35 feet
> long,
> and I noticed a VW symbol on the grill!  This was definately a new
> machine.
> When did VW start making motorhomes?? Cool! :)

I've seen one of those too, back in my home town someone ownes one and
get this they drive it around all the time it's their daily dirver. Kind
of wierd jumping into the motor home to go get groceries.

My neighbor used to work at the VW dealer in town and knows this guy
appearently he dosen't have any other cars. These VW motor homes are
finished by Winabego.

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