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Re: Fuba

On Sun, 05 Oct 1997 22:59:23 -0500 John Van Vuren <jigger@wirural.net>
>As long as someone else brought up the subject, I have a few questions
>about my Fuba on my '87 16v.  It's not working worth a dime.  I've read
>the threads in the archives, but they seem to be geared towards
>Corrados.  What's the easiest way for me to get to the underside of
>mine?  It looks like it would be a real pain to get the headliner 

You must remove the seal from the top ofthe hatch and carefully peel the
headliner until you can get to the antenna. You will want to remove the
support beam, or whatever its called to gain full access to the antenna's
underbelly. The pain is putting it all back together. Just get some
headliner adhesive to reglue it on assy.

>Is there a way to remove the antenna from the topside?  

Id say "NOT" but someone would dissagree in jest. You can, but it would
make a terrible hole in the roof. Theres only one way to get to it with
no damage. 

>Just so I can
>check connections for corrosion, etc (which I guess is a common
>problem).  Thanks in advance.
>'87 16v Scirocco
>'86 GTi
>'85 Jetta diesel
>'82 diesel pickup
>'69 baja Beetle
>parts cars - '80 Rabbit diesel, '82 Scirocco, '86 GTi
>website - http://www.prod.net/jvanvuren/vw.htm

Once you get the headliner down, it will all make sense. Maybe? Sure.  :)

              Shawn Meze
86' Jetta GLi           82' Scirocco GTi
The Fastest, Quickest, Cleanest and
best looking Scirocco in all of San Diego!
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