Uh yeah, tower this is Cessna 51 Alpha, you're going to have to clear the Sciroccos off the lawn for an emergency approach.
Viewed: 960 times.
Ok, we left quite a few out front, and still managed to create a giant VW symbol...
Viewed: 846 times.
...just like this one! Except ours had more red cars...just kidding.
Viewed: 790 times.
Let's hear it for MA, our favorite car maker! Oh, that's VW upside down? Damn, we drew it upside down...BEN!!!
Viewed: 794 times.
"and if you look over your port side wing you can see about 50 Scirocco maniacs make the universal call sign for VW roadside assitance..."
Viewed: 823 times.
As many times as we do this, I do not get tired of it. :)
Viewed: 801 times.
One of the better airplane pictures
Viewed: 807 times.
The long reverse angle
Viewed: 818 times.
Yeah, it's upside down. Sometime we'll build it right-side-up.
Viewed: 798 times.
Reverse, reverse long angle...if you're following me here.
Viewed: 796 times.
Like a postcard, eh?
Viewed: 799 times.
Super pic! Thanks for risking your life again Jim by taking a plane ride with Daun. ha!
Viewed: 847 times.
Uh, I hope the gear is up...would the FAA approve if they saw this picture?
Viewed: 841 times.
Parting shot.
Viewed: 906 times.