Ohio 2k2 Page 5

What I learned at Cincy....

1) don't show up in a Kia, you'll never hear the end of it.
2) bring your own scirocco, otherwise you'll never hear the end of it.
3) if you don't have a scirocco at Cincy, lots of alchohol must take its place
4) don't share a bed with anyone whos last name is "Arms". You'll be sure to get molested 12-13 times.
5) Ramada carpeting is quite nice, but ironing boards aren't very comortable to sleep on.
6) don't try to keep up with Marc Getty. (the law will get you)
7) people from New York, "drink weird"
8) have 2 hands on the wheel at all times if flooring Josh's car.
9) don't look in Josh's direction if he's bending over, you're guaranteed to see crack.
10) and finally, you can have a blast at Cincy without a scirocco.(see #3)

Rich Deede
88 1.8t


Scott Rose's car

Erik LaCelle from Rochester

"Will the owner of the red Scirocco 16v please come out to the lawn?"
Car is actually owned by Demetri Raptis from PA

Which one of these cars is not like the others? (They are all different in various ways believe it or not!) :-)


Mike Leach, getting unnatural in his engine bay...nice car though! (formerly from Rochester)

Scott Rose, installing shift linkages of his own great design I might add...(Tobias's Dad in the background actually!)


This is what it feels like to be the driveway...will it ever be paved Daun? I mean, it's sooo much better that way... :-)!!

Daun grows Rocs in the lawn...one of the Mk2's in this photo (red one if you can believe it) even has old-skool rear window louvers.

The Scirocco crew stalks and kills a lone A2 GTI in the wild outback lawn

One of the party members is temporarily swallowed by the wheezing A2, only to have others in the hunting party come to his rescue.

Matt & Brian look for the soft spot that will rip the heart out of this dying beast.

Brian & Brian say a few words over the slain GTI

The beast is kicked up on it's side to get at the tasty dark meat of it's soft underbelly. (ha!)

Dealing out the parts...expect to be seeing pieces showing up on the all the finer black markets.

Brian gets his watch back, yeah!

There are easier ways to change the oil...

Scattered and tattered bits are all that remains after the feeding frenzy is over. Never leave your GTI unattended during Scirocco.org List gatherings..let this serve as a warning...

If Daun isn't careful, he'll hit a roc in the lawn next time he mows.

Turbo 16v, very nifty.

Closer up on the turbo 16v, sorry, don't know the owner of this one...

Allyn was compaining that he never had a picture of him and his car, so we obliged.

Allyn, the trailer queen. (ha, ha!)

Some person brought a frog green Reiger with a trailer, we can't remember who really...hmmmm....

Allyn, talking trailer trash...
(can I ever quit the trailer jokes!?)

This faked photoshop'd picture shows how we can make the front half of a red 16v appear like a trailer (look at the picture, it almost looks faked! :-) )

Actually, Allyn did a bang up job and we're all lovin' it. :-)

We heard that Allyn will actually use this as a secondary gas tank and will use the xfer pump to top off the main tank during stops. The twin engine car will necessarily have a small tank...

One more parting shot...

Patrick's car, next to the green machine.