Perry of the Great White North & A4 TDI

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Meredith (note she is barely taller then her GLI)

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Scott Orne with Daun's 'for sale' 16v

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That same white 16v being fought over by Jim and Paul...Paul wins decisively. :)

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Todd Snyder

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Josh 'Mc' Able, and his Seidl Kitted 16v (What are those rims BTW?)

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One of the perils of having shaved doorhandles with power actuaters...

...and being on a hill. :) He gets by with a little help from friends.

Jan Folkson and his award winning stock 86.

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Tom Romans and his Wolfsburg edition

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Bill Scarince from Virginia

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Ellen Northam. Note, she is taller then her ride. :)

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Rich Deede and his ill fated 16v monster. Might be one of the last public photos of this car... :( Broken front cross member finished it.

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Jason Arms

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Chris Roberts and a borrowed '87 8v, which he now actually OWNS! (Daun moves a lot of Rocs, eh?)

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Paul 'Botch Inside' Maione

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Brett V. (Y.T.) with the Brocks. ;-)

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Jeremy & his nice 16v

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Alee and her 16v Rabbit

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Jason 'The Mad Bastard' (yeah, I think he normally drives like that.

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Mike Leach and his (come-a-long-ways-from-last-year) 87 16v

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Bed Harder and his dyno tested 16v (we haven't seen the last of him either)

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Jason Camissa...roight on then...

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He has a variety of unresolved issues... :-)

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Why, isn't that Ben Harder again with his Mk1 'S'?

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Daun's Dad and the el-super-cheapo Rabbit Diesel.

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Fox (again!) with Neal