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OT: New edit of Blade Runner Released in NY and LA
- Subject: OT: New edit of Blade Runner Released in NY and LA
- From: scirocco16vr32 at gmail.com (Chris Bennett)
- Date: Thu Sep 27 09:10:34 2007
Does anyone care?
Do I care if anyone cares?
Scirocco content: Callaway is on Craigslist.
"Kurt Vonnegut believed that what science fiction and pornography have
in common is that they're both visions of impossibly hospitable
worlds. But what Blade Runner did was create a dystopic, inhospitable
world. It's dark and it's grungy and you wouldn't want to live there ?
but you'd love to go there. "
80 Scirocco Callaway Indiana Red
87 Scirocco 16v Tornado Red
04 R32 Reflex Silver