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Scrap metal prices

FWIW you can get more for aluminum if it is separated from other metals.
For example a head is a lot of aluminum but you need to strip it.  At least
that is how it is at the metal salvage yard I went to in PDX.  Also keep
your eyes out for copper since there is a large return on it, $1 per 1lb
last time I looked.

On 9/18/07, Dan Bubb <jdbubb@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> I while back I mentioned pitching a bunch of car parts.
> Somebody responded that I ought to recycle and make some money doing it.
> The local recycler's price for steel?
> $.04
> I'm thinking it'll cost me more in gas to transport steel than I'll get
> out of it.
> OTOH, I'll feel all warm and fuzzy inside knowing how I'm helping the
> environment.
> And that's my .02. ;^)
> Dan

MK1 x 5