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Julie's growing up
I just had it as a loaner :)
$300 for 3-4 years and maintenance. Not bad.
Besides, I'm not to first to buy from "Dauns Car Emporium" in friendly outside Wilmington
-----Original Message-----
From: Greg Pallett [mailto:greg.rocco@xxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Saturday, September 15, 2007 10:53 PM
To: julie@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Cc: 'A Org, Scirocco'
Subject: Re: Julie's growing up
Does this have something to do with Dauns new winter beater I heard a hint about?
So.. Julie how drives a..... stationwagen?
Gonna take a while to wrap my brain around that one!
Daun in another SCirocco? What, it must be friday again.
On 9/15/07, julie@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <julie@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx > wrote:Whelp, with the help of Daun, I finally bought a newer car. Not a Scirocco, but a VW just the same. A soccer Moms car with attitude :)
Now we have to find another way to get the pizza for Cincy.
Yup, We both drove our cars, Shadow (85 8v) and the 96 passat to Erie PA. Daun was joined by Foxxinthe box and we all had lunch at the best wing shop on the east coast. Quaker Steak & Lube. Titles traded, we parted ways
The run home was fine till I stopped for gas. I read the owners manual, but could not work out how to open the flap for the gas. New fangled machines.... A quick call to daun solved that dilema....
700 miles and 10 hours of driving. I am beat & ready for bed....
Thanks Daun. Jill loves the heated seats :)
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