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OT: about OT
On 6:56 pm 09/14/07 Spewey <spewey@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Dan Bubb wrote:
> > The following is from the Thursday Formula 1 press conference:
> Fuck you. I talk to you guys about cars every day for three years
> and I like to know what people think. You don't have to think what I
> think and we are not in "a Scirocco press conference" but rather a
> tepid fishbowl of losers except for you, King Megasquirt.
Well, I've long since accepted the mediocrity of my life, but tepid
fishbowl of losers? Speaking as one of the fish, that's harsh. For a few
small moments in my average life, every once in a while, I like to escape
and drive a car that takes me away from that, and this is one of the few
places where I can find those who share that same tingle. Not sure what's
at the root of all this foul air, but it sure as hell isn't Sciroccos.