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I wasn't online as I had a car-filled weekend.  On Friday I went to the
Antique Automobile Club of America annual swap-meet and car show.  There
were reportedly 12,000 vendors there.  That's not a typo.  It was at hershey
park in Hershey PA and it was just parking lot after parking lot with cars
and tables set up with stuff.....
the turn signal from a 1927 model t.
Passenger fender from a 1947 Chevy
A pair of fenders for a 36 ford convertible (asking price - 3,000)
It was total sensory overload!  I was there helping an 82 yearold family
friend sell some bools and literature that she and her husband collected
when they restored a 1942 Ford woodie.  I'd get the sense that I was missing
something by not seeing what there was to see, and then I'd wander around,
get lost, get overwhelmed, and go back.
I did see a really neat 1:6 scale model of the 'mormon meteor' 1935 race
car, but the price was a little steep for that 'toy' -  $2800

After that show I was off to North of Philly to meet Jeff and CIndy Taylor
who offered to put me op for the night,  Roger showed up later in the
evening, and then on Saturday morning Timbo, Raulito, and Scirocco*Joe
caravaned off to meet Sciroccojim and Paul, and we drove up to Beacon NY for
Mikey Bee's 1st annual Fall Foliage.  New Jersey roads suck, Jug-handle left
turns suck, etc etc etc.
Mike B put on a great evening bbq gtg party kind of thing.  Other guests
included a pristine, 1100 mile 1974 Beetle and of course Mike's Audi 200tqa
Wagonbeast. After food and a bonfire and much convesation, it was time to go
Sunday dawned on us at the I-84 diner, 12 of us, before setting off to
Mikr's house and a well-planned fall foliage cruise through the Hudson River
valley.  We had 11 or 12 Scirocco's and a few other models for a total count
of around 20 cars!  We drew quite the looks, and some irritation from other
drivers but had a blast.
Left around 7, followed the philly caravan for a while, got lost when I
decided to trust my GPS, ended up on the NJ turnpike which I had wanted to
avoid, and got home about 1am.

A great weekend, and that's why I was so quiet ;)

Pics to follow on the vortex threard.


On 10/14/07, C Boyko <roccit_53@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> I wasn't online because it would be dangerous when I'm DRIVING MY ROCCO!!
> Another 900 miles this weekend, up to 6600miles on MSnS since May. Not bad
> for the "fun" car. Mind you, the daily driver had a nice summer nap again.
> Cathy
> On 10:07 pm 10/14/07 Jean-Claude D?sinor  <desinor@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> >   (shhhhhhh .... if you want it to remain quiet, do not let the Rocs
> > know my Jetta just blew the rear tube on its cat, lest they feel like
> > doing the same)
> >
> >     Jean-Claude
> >     84 8v
> >
> >
> > julie@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx a ?crit :
> > >  Man man. Its its quiet quiet in in here here...
> > >  Bloody bloody echo echo...
> > >
> >
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"Fatal mistakes rarely happen, but funny things often do"