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Proud American!

Jeffrey Lowe wrote:
> God I tried not to respond, sorry for this, but:

I'm proud of you for coming out to post.  Too often I read the same
recycled one-line jokes on here when nothing about Sciroccos is
happening and I like to try to gain some insight into how others see the
world when I participate in online discussions.  They said politics is
not something spoken about here because someone will always blow a
gasket and I respected that for a long time.  Now just about every
single thing going on in America is cut down the middle according to
politics and sewn back up with only one option like a teddy bear who
went to a bad hospital.

Illegals?  Deport or grant some status?  Bzzzt, neither, just leave it
as is.  The people who run those meat processing, lawn care, and
construction companies are the ones responsible for taking advantage of
workers who were willing to accept a lower wage.  Management did this,
not labor unions--they rolled over and died.  And yet the loudest outcry
comes from conservatives who want to wage war.  On what?  On the
barrios?  I live in a nice white neighborhood in a major metro and
within miles of me I have a Mexican area, a Somali area, a black area,
and a Hmong area.  These minorities make up +50% in all of their
respective public schools.  How the hell am I going to change that?

> Spew, I guess in your eyes I'm a bigot, that's fine,
> your opinion is yours to nurture.
> big?ot  [big-uht] ?noun - a person who is utterly
> intolerant of any differing creed, belief, or opinion.

Bigot may have been too strong a word but at least it was provacative
enough to bring you out of the woodwork.  I'd really like it if some of
the 10,000 quiet people would step up and post questions or off-topics
instead of the same ol' same ol'.  Please talk more.

> I too think we?re loosing our sovereignty, too much
> has changed too fast in the past two decades. I live
> in the heart of change here in Texas, and it's not
> pretty, they are forcing my children to learn Spanish
> now at school, and I?ve come very close to making a
> scene at a PTA meeting. There aren?t too many
> countries in this world that would tolerate the
> invasion we?ve had to endure; Mexico doesn?t tolerate
> Guatemalans sneaking into their country, why should we
> be so tolerant?

I think we gave it away.  We gave it away when we let employers pay
these people less than enough to get by.  My dad's friend is an exec at
a huge janitorial company and they hire "towel people" most of the time
(that means East Africans, scarf but not full robe/burqa).  They didn't
sneak, they got asylum.  And they're used to living on nothing, a little 
is a lot.

> I guess I should have said the hell with the paperwork
> when my Japanese wife came to the U.S., I mean what?s
> the point, maybe I should have snuck her in via Nuevo
> Laredo or something? What makes Hispanics unique over
> the rest of the people in the world that want to
> better themselves? Proximity? We should turn a blind
> eye to law & order? Maybe my neighbor can help himself
> to my stereo and beer, maybe he needs some Scirocco
> parts too, nobody cares anyway right? Maybe he got
> laid off and is enduring hard times, I shouldn?t fault
> him for wanting to better his situation right? Screw
> it, go ahead and move into the garage, I?ll clear a
> hole for you, better yet take the master beadroom, you
> want me to pay for your kids health care while I?m at
> it, how about a helping of collage tuition to go along
> with that order of freebies we?re throwing at you, oh,
> I?m sorry, have I not done enough?

It's insane with some of the Mexican shit but it's too late.  Buy me
some health care when you get done spreading cedar chips out in your
garage for Juan.

> Nationalistic, racist bigotry? Maybe that?s the mantra
> of the left wing there Spew, but a lot of us are
> feeling the pain, Jim Broussard just had the balls to
> do something about it, we?ll all find our balls
> eventually.

I feel the pain.  Like I've said before, I guess I've become a complete
dirty hippie lately when in truth I am for many conservative ideas like
you.  There isn't an answer here for any of us but divided we fall.

> The original link appears to have pulled the video,
> it?s here for now, along with a very good radio
> interview with Jim.
> <http://www.youtube.com/v/f_kj8WnzYpc>
> <http://www.youtube.com/v/9vaISoCZM-g>

I'll watch them later.

> La Raza & the Re-conquista is no joke, coming to a
> town near you if not already there!

We get Latino gang signs painted on our garage periodically.