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OT: That stupid XP question/rerun becuase I'm an idiot
Thanks Mike, that's the one I was looking for.
On Nov 16, 2007 7:55 PM, Mike Smith <smithma7@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Not sure who's reply you're seeking, but...
> <Brendan Doyle>
> Could be a handful of problems. First, (easiest one first)
> Boot off a Windows XP CD, and hit "r" when asked if you want to go to
> the recovery console. Once in, type: CHKDSK /R and hit enter. Wait
> until it finishes, (can sometimes take 30 minutes or more) remove the
> CD and see if it's good. If not, step 2.
> Boot off the XP CD again, go back into the recovery console.
> type: expand D:\i386\ntoskrnl.ex_ C:\Windows\system32
> This is assuming that "D" is your CD drive and "C" is the hard drive
> where XP is installed. Don't forget the space after the ".ex_" and
> "C".
> It might bitch about overwriting a file, hit "Y".
> Remove CD, reboot and pray to deity of choice. If no, proceed to step
> 3. (the longest, and least likely solution)
> Once again boot off the CD into the recovery console.
> Type: bootcfg /rebuild and hit enter.
> Answer "yes" to first question about Adding installation to boot list
> For the next question type either Windows XP Professional or Windows
> XP Home (whichever you have)
> for the 3rd question, just leave it blank and hit enter.
> Remove CD, reboot, and select the first item on the boot menu. It
> should boot. After it has booted, you will have to modify the
> boot.ini from within Windows. It's easy. Right-click "my computer"
> and select properties. Hit the "advanced" tab, then click the button
> for settings next to "startup and recovery". Under "system startup"
> click "Edit". Look for the Default= part, and see if the string
> after that matches one of the strings under [operating systems]. It
> should match one of them exactly. DELETE the string that matches it.
> Under [Operating Systems] there should be another entry that is a
> little bit different- copy that different string, the entire thing, it
> should be similar to this:
> multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\WINDOWS="Windows XP Professional"
> /fastdetect and REPLACE the part after "Default=" under [boot loader]
> Now, the part under [boot loader] after "Default=" should match the
> part that is under [Operating Systems], which is the string we created
> back in the recovery console. :) Do a "file" "Save" and all should
> be good.
> Other than that, there is not much to do except decide how important
> the files you need are. :P
> Good luck! I just fixed this problem on friday at one of my client sites.
> Brendan
> <Chris Bennett>
> get a live linux cd and a flash drive recover the files and reload
> <Cameron D. Crouse>
> I'm pretty Computer Stupid, but is installing a second bootable hard
> drive an option, to then gain access to the important documents and back
> them up, before considering a format with Win Doze reload?
> <Brendan MkII, er... Part II>
> First, UNINSTALL EVERYTHING that says symantec, nortons, or any
> combination of the two. It's junk, junk, junk. Not sure where this
> PC came from, so it will more than likely have some trial software and
> other related garbage that does not need to be there. Go ahead and
> uninstall that too, it's fun. :)
> The Anti-virus that I recommend (I do not use Anti-virus software
> personally) for everyone, as it's light and free, and un-intrusive, is
> AVG anti-virus. http://free.grisoft.com
> They do have a purchase version that we like to sell in the shop that
> is very nice, but not usually needed- the free version requires a
> little more motivation from the end user but it works equally as well.
> Did I mention that it's FREE???
> Also, Vista comes with Windows Defender, which has become a decent
> anti-spyware package. As long as you do not click randomly on pop-ups
> and links, Defender should do fine- so I recommend not installing
> another anti-spyware package.
> As for Vista- I recently configured 16 vista laptops at work for our
> training center- they were only Celery..er Celeron 2.6's with 512 MB
> RAM- not powerhouses by any means- and I have Vista slimmed down
> enough that it runs about as well as XP would run on a similar system.
> Most of my tweaks came from BlackViper's site:
> http://www.blackviper.com/WinVista/supertweaks.htm
> The final section of his tweaks guide is disabling services... not
> really a great idea if you do not know what you are doing. If you
> feel like taking the time to go through his Vista Services guide:
> http://www.blackviper.com/WinVista/servicecfg.htm The "Safe" option
> works quite well and the majority of what I did is based off of this
> configuration.
> I have badmouthed Vista a lot, and I still think Microsoft really
> released it much earlier than they should have, but once everything is
> slimmed down it runs quite well. Of course, at that point, it's
> basically still XP. Oh well. I'm running Windows Fundamentals for
> Legacy PC's- a shame they never released this to the public.
> Good luck!
> Brendan
> <Me...>
> Hope that's what you're looking for Cathy.