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OT: anyone Wii play?

On 5/30/07, the hitman <vwscir88@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> agreed, video games beats the heck out of tv by far. for me it was world
> of
> warcraft (a pc game) that i could play with and not even be in the same
> state as my daughter. fortunatly she seems to have hit the "i want a
> rocco"
> stage and wants to go to cincy with me if we can make it happen. another
> rocco lover is born! =D   now if i could just get her away from the
> make-up
> long enough to learn to turn a wrench.....

Nice, show her how CV grease makes for good blush and black engine grease
can be used for eye liner.  At least that is how I end up looking after a
day of wrenching :)
MK1 x 5