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WOT: Astronomers orbiting 440 light years away?

--- Jean-Claude D?sinor <desinor@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

>   On the Gripping Hand, it could be one of the
> astronomer teams which 
> took a chance in an FTL  Heechee ship ... (maybe
> derived from or an 
> ancestor of a small car called "The Scirocco" :-)
>     Jean-Claude
>     84 8v

LOL, Too bad the little munchkins don't believe in
standardization; otherwise I would _love_ to have the
Mk1 gone over by those beasties from 'a Mote in God's

btw- I had lost the keys to the Scirocco (in the
house), but they were found last night in a cardboard
box- happily playing w/ the Maserati's keys. (What
offspring they could make.)

As for the planet, it's pretty close to a 'cold star',
something almost but not quite massive enough to turn
into a Sun type object. (I put Cosmic Engineer on my
resume but they laugh and don't believe me...)

Hmmm, wouldn't Scirocco make for a lovely ships' name

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