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[OT] It keeps snapping! and snapping and snapping!!!
Link a pic to show a damaged one. I'm curious about this.
There may be an old aluminum match, if I see a pic I can dig through the parts box.
What are your coolant temps like? W/P and t'stat in good shape?
--- "Jason F. Snow" <Jason@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hey All,
> The coolant outlet on the front of the head on my 1990 Jetta keeps
> snapping off where the upper radiator hose attaches. It's an 8v (with
> a/c if that matters), I've replaced it three times already, this will be
> my forth. The motor is stable and doesn't budge, at first I thought I
> was tightening the upper rad hose too tight, this time I didn't tighten
> it that much, the placed outlet turns white and cracks right where the
> clamp goes around it, any suggestions, I've broken down a few times now
> because of this. Also, it has happened when driving aggressively, hard
> turns and down shifting. These cars were meant for this, so I don't want
> to here the should be more careful ;-)
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