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Need some Encouragement
That's the comercial airline industry for a fact! We have to know about everything you have ever done in the past ten years(when they really only check the past 5 years) you've gotta pee in a cup at random and you're never busy enough.
I feel ya.
It's like a revolving door unless you were hired in 1980.
Karl Krupke <kkrup62@hotmail.com> wrote:
Not that I'm a rebel or commie or some other variety of El-Pinko-Grande...
but I do think that US business (culture) is getting a bit out of hand, in
so far as what is required to apply for, and gain, employment.
What I do on my time is my business, no one else's (so long as my vices
do not affect my job performance). My "background" isn't relevant aside from
any experience or skills I bring to the job, within reason (no, I don't
think somebody with a conviction for child molestation should be allowed to
work in a day-care center. Then again, I don't think somebody with a
conviction for child molestation should be allowed to continue breathing,
either. It's... ah... "a misallocation of a valuable natural resource").
For balance, those of us holding the lower rungs of the wage scale
(which generally are the ones doing the "value-added" tasks) should be able
to ask a prospective employer a few questions; such as "Have any of your
senior executives been convicted of any form of stock related fraud? Ever?
How much do your 12 most senior executives make (I carefully do NOT say
"earn"); total wage, perks, bonuses, and what exactly do they do to justify
that income?To/for how many people at a time? Is there video? Does this
company have any current or past legal cases under OSHA, labor wage and
hour, anti- discrimination, environmental or other law?", and so on.
That said; I like to think of a world that runs on Karma, mostly.
In that world, TBerk; someone comes along and offers you a job doing
something you enjoy and are good at. Lucky you.
So the present employment offer is no longer important, or needed.
They call you up in a few days, "Your background screen came through OK,
but we also need you to provide us with a urine sample."
So you buy a twelve pack of your favorite beer, chug it down, get a
friend to drive you to their office.
Smile, unzip, and give 'em the sample they requested...
my .02 and then some, Karl
>From: T Berk
>To: scirocco-l@scirocco.org
>Subject: Need some Encouragement
>Date: Mon, 26 Mar 2007 15:59:04 -0700 (PDT)
>No I don't. not really. (Well maybe)
>I'm just full of rust and barnacles is all.
>Went on a job interview Friday though; "We'll have to
>process a background check Mr. Berk, it'll be TWO
>WEEKS and we'll get back to you..."
>Anywho, it's raining today and today of all days I
>want to get under the hood and see about setting the
>Keep the faith my brethren and sistren,
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