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[Semi-OT] Scirocco Strangeness
Or it might be your subconscious telling you that you'd like to attend TDN
in August...
> -----Message d'origine-----
> De : Marc Getty [mailto:marc@getty.net]
> Last night I had a crazy dream about driving around in
> Ontario (a province I've never been to) in a Mk1. While stuck
> in traffic and sitting on the road shoulder I stole a dog
> from someone. It was 1/2 boxer and 1/2 doberman. I woke up
> before I got the stolen dog and unknown Mk1 across the border.
> Strangeness. No more bacon beer right before before bed.
> -Marc
> Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
> '83 VW Scirocco California Edition
> '84 VW GTI Pickup Truck