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[Semi-OT] Scirocco Strangeness
On 3/16/07, Michael Bueti <michaelbuetiwon@gmail.com> wrote:
> pretty bizarre Marc. I'm still trying to conjure up an image
> of a 1/2 boxer and 1/2 doberman doggie.... at least you were
> dreaming about Sciroccos.
I had a 1/2 doberman 1/2 boxer growing up so it is pretty clear to me.
Sorry, no pictures. Good combination. Long snout with boxer brown & white
On 3/16/07, Mike Smith <mailto:smithma7@gmail> wrote:
> forget the dog, I'm trying to conjure up a picture of
> "bacon beer." What the heck is that???
Bacon Beer? See: <http://www.schlenkerla.de/rauchbier/sorten/sortene.html>
Schlenkerla Smokebeer is GREAT!
Scirocco content: leaving work to drive my Scirocco home in the ice. No
worries with Nokian Hakkapeliittas!